William Lam

I am a certified hospital chaplain and a supervisor of Clinical Pastoral Education. I has participated in
chaplaincy ministry since 1988. I currently serves as the chief chaplain at Pamela Youde Nethersole
Eastern Hospital.

I was born and raised in Hong Kong, it is a place of paradox where people struggling in East and
West cultural boundary. Nobody can predict what will happen in the future. Everyone is taking a risk. But it is exactly we believe: to share risk that new ideas are born, those new visions reveal themselves and that new roads become visible.

Professional Qualifications

Certified Chaplain (AHKHCCM)

Certified Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor (Pacific Health Ministry, Hawaii)

Chief Chaplain ( Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital)

Academic Background

BRE & MRE (Religious Education) Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary



Demographics Served

Ages between 12 – 90 years old

More About Me ...

Helping people face the loss is crucial. Moving through the stages of mourning and living a full life. Most of us know people who have suppressed their feelings of loss or grief for many years before some incident allows the painful blister to burst. As a hospital chaplain, I know that going beyond the terrible suffering and grief begins with relief and creates an opening to a new life. Being able to acknowledge and accept the ending – that someone has really left this world – is the beginning of the healing process. It is very important and meaningful to offer opportunities to release people’s
pain and help them acknowledge loss.
I have written a book named “My Wishes~ the Last Gift to My Beloved” which is helping people facing and preparing their own death. The book was published in 2007 and is recently re-published.

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    – Pastoral Care and Counselling
    – Clinical Pastoral Education
    – Personal Growth
    – Bevearement Counselling
    – End of life Care


    HK$700 per hour (Individual Online Counselling)

    HK$1000 per hour (Face to Face Counselling) 

    HK$1000 per hour (Family counselling)

    HK$700/1000 per hour (Online/Face to face Supervision on Chaplaincy and Pastoral Ministry)

    Available Hours

    Monday – Friday 10:00 – 18:00
    Saturday 10:00 – 13:00

    Make Your Booking