Author:Soul Glad
What is sandplay therapy?
Sandplay therapy is developed by Dora Kalff who uses a sandtray and other miniatures as medium for counselling and therapy. Under the safe protection of a therapist during the session, the client is free to project his / her emotional states to create a sandworld in the sandtray that represents his / her inner psychological condition.
The use of sandplay therapy?
The theory believes that clients can find their expression of psychological issues more effectively through sand play that uses miniatures and sand to symbolically represent their psychological issues to help them find their paths of resolutions. As in children cases, where children may have difficulties in expressing their issues with verbal descriptions, the symbolic representations of sandplay can be an effective means to depict their struggles. Sandplay therapy is also effective for adults, especially with situations that may be difficult for them to describe verbally, like instances of traumatic experiences or for avoiding re-traumatizations, using a non-verbal means of expression can be of better service. In general, sandplay therapy helps to steer a person towards a better sense of self-awareness to promote his/her personal growth. Under the umbrella of Jungian psychotherapy, the goal of sandplay therapy is to help the individual to elevate his/her awareness of consciousness by bringing light to his/her unconsciousness through the sandplay process so that he/she can resolve inner struggles towards wholeness that is in harmony with the complete self.
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Roesler, C. (2019). Sandplay therapy: An overview of theory, applications and evidence base. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 64, 84-94.