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HKU’s Research Showed One in Every Five People in Hong Kong Suspected of Suffering From PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in 2019

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Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong published a research about mental health among Hong Kong people in 2019, the report showed one in every five people was suspected of suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from September to November 2019. The rate was higher than other quarters in the same year. The period was undergoing a continuously social unrest. The report also indicated that the participants in social movement had a higher rate of suffering from PTSD than others. It might be due to the movement participants had a higher chance to witness or experience traumatic incidents (E.G. violent conflict in person or exposed under tear gas). 

The reported indicate that more than half of the sufferers would not seek help from professional. Sufferers tended to not find counsellors or any health systems. Their main concerns were about the issues of confidentiality and the untrust the health system. 

According to the National Health Service (United Kingdom), the symptoms of PTSD might ‘re-experience’ the intrusive memories, which include:

  • flashbacks 
  • nightmares 
  • repetitive and distressing images or sensations 
  • physical sensations, such as pain, sweating, feeling sick or trembling

Soul Glad provides online counselling service and face-to-face counselling services. We treat confidentiality as the highest priority. Our counselling sessions may be conducted via online or face to face at anytime, anywhere.  Our counsellors speak 7 different languages (English, Cantonese, Mandarin, German, Danish, Hokkein and Burmese). All our counsellors have obtained professional qualifications, and possess years of counselling experience. Please contact us without hesitation. We are here to help you.

Source / Find Our more About PTSD:

CitizenNews (2020) :《刺針》-抑鬱症-創傷後壓力症ptsd-26013/港大精神健康研究刊《刺針》:去年每5人有1人疑患抑鬱或創傷後壓力症-近半不求助反映不信任


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